Today, attorney Ella will talk about Judicial Divorce Process.
What is Judicial Divorce (재혼이혼)?
It is a type of divorce which you should choose if you cannot make a consent to get divorce with your spouse.
What are the steps?
1. Filing a petition to family court (가정법원)
▶ Court reviews the Plaintiff's petition (원고의 소장)
▶ Court serves the copy (부본) of it to the Defendant.
2. Pretrial(변론기일)
▶ Plaintiff and Defendant must present at the pretrial.
3. Making a request for conciliation (조정요청)
▶ a person who intends to institute a litigation to the family court for divorce,
shall first make a request for conciliation.
▶ If case goes to mediation, trial procedure would finish.
▶If case cannot find an agreement, there should be a trial.
4. Trial(재판)
▶Both parties make oral arguments and the court makes a decision of a settlement recommendation.
5. Court closes trial and makes a decision.